Tuesday, January 1, 2019

KL New year run 2019

It's the first run for the year. My aim was to do around 60mins as I didn't had much sleep the day before.

One my running friend, Devi wanted me to pace her. Thus I just followed her, as it also meet my target of completing in 60 minutes.

The race had different route this year, which covers, ok tower, sultan ismail, many junction etc.

The first 5km was rather flat and it was cooling. Came the next 5km, where u turn into bank Negara, the torture starts, where the route was hilly.

It was good to see 3 water stations with adequate distance signages. Furthermore,  after the race, they gave ice cream and bun, apart from the usual water and isotonic drinks.

Now, need to gear up for Powerman Putrajaya next month.